Wednesday, April 9, 2008


last night as i went to bed, i had a conversation with God, and i realized it is very easy to fake faith. it's easy to go to church services, smile, raise your hands every now and then, attend small group, say the right things to other Christians, and the like. however, when you talk to God, he knows exactly whats going through your head. he knows if you're legit or putting up a facade. he knows if you're faking it. he knows if your trying to get religious on him. he knows if there is any faith behind your words. sometimes i think it's easier to be fake than have faith. thats a struggle for me. often i remember a familiar passage in Hebrews that is quite debasing, but also encouraging... "without faith it is impossible to please God. for he who draws near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him." my mom often quotes a phrase for random life situations (not faith situations) that we enjoy saying and laughing about. she says, "fake it 'till you make it." this does work sometimes with people, but fortunately it never works with God. don't fake it. ask and plead for faith.