Ashley is ridiculously hard to surprise because she is most brilliant when it comes to gaining secret information. So, I pulled out all the stops...including a few lies (you have to do what you have to do). For the past several months, she knows I've been writing and composing a special song for her. Every few weeks I told her it is coming along little by little, trying to build some excitement. Since she has been expecting a proposal for the past few weeks, I told her I didn't have the ring, I haven't talked with her Dad, but I would play her the song to tide her over until the proposal (I talked to her Dad the previous day and picked up the ring yesterday). Well, yesterday I told her the song was ready, and since I was trying to surprise her, I couldn't have the ring on me because she feels my pockets often, hoping to find the ring box. Knowing I would sing her song to her downstairs, I previously hid the ring in the game drawer of her entertainment system. Well, the song moved her to tears (it was the bomb), and to make sure she was totally surprised, I asked, "Ok. Now can we watch 24?" She said, "What? Are you serious?" Then I said, "Or we can play a game," as I moved towards the game drawer. She recommended a game, but then I turned around and said, "I have something better." She was blown away and couldn't believe what was happening! I dropped to one knee and asked for her to marry me. She immediately said "Yes!"
It truly was the most incredible feeling ever. I'm not gonna lie...I was pretty nervous, not because I thought she would deny, but because you only get one chance to make it right, and I wanted to blow her away. Mission successful!