Friday, September 28, 2007

27 Point from Acts 29 (8-14)

(this post is a continuation post from a few days ago)

8. (for pastors) Have a weekly questioning time of accountability with your staff on the areas of sin, attitude, moral purity, discipleship, evangelism, family, etc...

9. Memorize more scripture, especially passages like 1 Corinthians 15:1- & 1 Timothy 1:13-14

10. Preach Jesus. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

11. Preaching Prep & Scheduling Ideas: when is your most creative time? when is your most reflective time? when do you study best? when is a good time to plan your preaching?

12. Determine the Open-handed and Closed-handed theology you will hold for your church and its leaders, and then determine the same for what churches and organizations you will partner with.

13. Healthy theology should be the main driving force in your church, not pragmatism.

14. 4 Stages of the Bible ("the EPIC of the Gospel")
a. Creation
b. Fall
c. Redemption
d. Consumation

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