Monday, September 3, 2007

guys only

ok fellas....this may be a weird post for the afternoon of labor day, but more than likely it will be relevant to you in a matter of minutes or hours. for some reason we have this great drive put in us by God for visual and physical satisfaction found in the opposite sex. it is great within the context for which God created it...marriage. however, lust is coveting the forbidden. when we desire something that is not ours, we lust. there is one great help for me w/my struggles w/lust, etc. it is found in the Bible in Galatians 5:16. it reads, "walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh." almost always when lust enters my mind and begins to control me, it is because i am not walking in the Spirit. i am not letting the Spirit control my mind. walking in the Spirit comes from deep meditation and communion with God & the Word. notice the progression also...walking in the Spirit must come first, and then we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. i hope this is encouraging to you. i hate when i fall into lust because it is robbing God of His glory in my life, and also because it has the power to ruin God's plan and goals for my life. lust is not worth the loss of all that. keep it real bro's and fight for God, not lust.

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