Saturday, January 10, 2009

3 Daily Meditations to Center on the Gospel

My pastor, who I reference often on this blog, has a routine he practices every morning before he leaves the house (you can find his blog here). I find it remarkably powerful for my own life. While there could be numerous other things on which to meditate each day, these are his main three:

1. "God, because I am in Christ, I know there is nothing I can do today that would make you love me any more than you do right now, and there's nothing I can do to make you love me any less."
*This mindset flows from God's unconditional love of His children. If we are in Christ, our position in God's family is fixed. I don't have to spend my day impressing God, hoping He will see value in me and allow me into heaven. I don't have to perform for Him, hoping He accepts me. He already does.

2. "
God, your presence and approval is all I need to have joy today."
*I don't have to spend my day, trying to obtain stuff that will make me happy. No job, no person, and no possession can add to the joy we find in knowing God. Also, if I suffer today and loose something or someone, my joy will be sustained because it rests in God, not my stuff.

3. "God, everything the Gospel tells me about your intentions for my life is TRUE."
*I can rest in the fact that God is on my side. The Scriptures say He is for us, not against us. God desires more for my life than even I do. He wants what is best for me, way more than I do. I can rest assured that today, God's intentions for me are completely good.

So, today is not a Survivor episode. I don't have to show everyone why I should not be thrown off the island...or, I don't have to prove myself to God or anyone else. My acceptance is already established in Christ. I can live my day, knowing that my value as person is secure in Christ.

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